Intro to Cannabis: 3 Strategies That Will Help You if You Get Too High

When one begins using and experimenting with cannabis, there is a chance that they may get too high, or at least higher than they’re comfortable with. This can be extremely overwhelming, inducing sensations of paranoia and anxiety on internal and social levels.

Although getting too high may seem like the end of the world, we can assure you that it isn't! While in the moment it may feel like the sensation will never pass, we promise that with time, it will. However, there are some methods you can use to counteract these feelings, and we’ll be discussing them in today’s Intro to Cannabis blog! 

Before we get started, however, it’s important to remember that the easiest way to avoid getting too high is to take your cannabis consumption slow. Make sure you know your limits, and if you don’t, gradually work up your levels of consumption so you know what you can handle! That being said, we’ve all been there, so let’s get started! 

Relax - Stay Calm - Don’t Panic

The first step to dealing with a cannabis high that is too intense is to do your best to calm down. The easiest way to do this, or at least to get started, is to focus on your breathing. Take controlled, deep breaths. Even close your eyes if you need to. What’s important is that you take some time to regulate your breathing and re-ground yourself.

Another great way to calm down in the event of getting too high is to talk with (or be talked to by) someone who is experienced with cannabis and can actively help you relax. It can be extremely soothing to have someone explain and talk you through the experience of being too high, as they can not only assure you that everything is going to turn out just fine, but also help you move your focus from all of the different stimuli that are overwhelming you to a single, relaxed focus.

If you’re on your own and still looking for ways to calm yourself down, you can also hop in the shower or bath. This helps in two ways: First, showers and baths are objectively relaxing, so hopping in some warm water will help you slow down, regulate your breathing, and ultimately calm down. Secondly, it can serve as a distraction from all of the ruckus rattling around in your mind.

The next option for calming yourself down is to take a nap or straight up go to sleep! Essentially, you’ll be sleeping off the high, or at least resting until the high tones down. Additionally, laying down and attempting to nap or sleep will redirect your thoughts — not to mention, you have to relax to fall asleep. So even by just trying to take a nap, you’ll begin to calm yourself down. 

Distract Yourself

As we hinted at in the point above, it can be extremely alleviating to direct your attention away from the anxiety and paranoia you experience when you get too high to an activity or project. If you’re feeling too high after you’ve smoked cannabis and you haven’t managed to calm yourself down via any of the methods above, watch a movie, go for a walk, listen to a favorite album, color, play a game. Heck, you can even go as far as  taking care of some chores!

Just do something that will force you to get out of your head and engage your thoughts somewhere else. By focusing on a single activity, you’ll be able to gather yourself and hopefully, turn an overwhelming high into a fun experience. 

Food, Water, CBD

Beyond relaxing yourself and distracting yourself, you can look to water, food, and CBD to help you come down after getting too high.


Snacking can help accomplish a few things when you’re too blazed. 

1. It can help remove the munchies from the equation, ultimately giving you one less thing to think about in that overwhelmed mind of yours. 

2. Snacking or eating a meal can also serve as a wonderful distraction, as you need to prepare what you’re going to much on, and then take some time to eat what you’ve prepared. On one hand, you’re distracting yourself by focusing on a deliberate task, and on the other, you’re connecting your body and mind through the process of chewing and swallowing. 

Black Peppercorns

Although we can link you to a fancy study with hard facts as to how exactly smelling or chewing on black peppercorns will tone down a high that’s too intense, we’re going to include it in this list. There are plenty of people who swear by this method, and so much anecdotal evidence that it’s at the very least worth a try if you’re too high.


Staying hydrated is essential in literally any situation, but especially when you’re consuming cannabis. If you find yourself way too high, make sure that you sip on some cool, crisp water. SImilarly to eating food, this will engage your mind and body together as you focus on swallowing, distracting and refocusing your energy somewhere else.

Additionally, drinking water will refresh and hydrate you, alleviating side effects of cannabis like dry eyes and mouth. 


Interestingly enough, CBD can effectively tone down the intensity of a high. This is because CBD interacts with the same receptors in the brain as THC. So in addition to inhibiting the THC from connecting to receptors that the CBD has connected to, you receive the anxiety-relieving effects that are brought on by CBD.

This is not to say that if you find yourself too high you should consume more cannabis that contains CBD. This will just make you more high. Instead, resort to CBD oils, tinctures, or salves that lack the presence of THC. Administer them as directed, and then feel the effects for yourself.

Genesis Grow Corp. 

At Genesis Grow Corp. we’re passionate about informing and enabling the cannabis community to both have access to incredible, luxury cannabis, and understand how to effectively and responsibly consume cannabis — that’s why we make these blogs. 

We hope that this article found you well, but if you’re reading this because you’re currently way too high and are looking for some remedies, make sure you try some of the methods we mentioned above! But until then…

Breathe in (come on, deeply now!). Breathe out.

Breathe in. Breathe out. 

You got this. 

It’s going to be okay. 

You’re beautiful.

For those of you who are here just for the fun of it, thank you! And make sure that you visit our website to learn more about our awesome luxury cannabis projects, Pacific Crest Pre-Rolls, Mad Cow Genetics, and Oh My Ganj! We’re extremely proud of what we’ve created, and we love sharing our passion with the amazing California Cannabis Community. 

You can also visit our site to find some retailers that carry our cannabis projects. Try some today!